How to install and setting muhidin theme
Minimum Requirements
- WordPress 4.1 or greater (Recommended latest version)
- PHP version 5.2.4 or greater (WordPress Requirement)
- MySQL version 5.0 or greater (WordPress Requirement)
- Upload Max Size 3MB (Theme Requirement)
- max_execution_time = 300
How to increase your upload max size??
Try read this tutorial:
If you confused tell your hosting provider to increase Upload Max Size
Please install in your fresh installation.
Adding New Themes using the Administration Panels
- First, extract packed-download.ZIP.
- Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
- Select Add New.
- use the Upload link in the top links row to upload a zipped copy of a Theme that you have previously downloaded to your machine.
- Find zip in packed-download folder then click “Install Now”
- After installation is succesful, you will be confirmed about this new theme.
- Click “Activate” link.
Adding New Themes by using cPanel
- First, extract packed-download.ZIP.
- In cPanel File Manager, navigate to your Themes folder. If your WordPress is installed in the document root folder of your web server you would navigate to “public_html/wp-content/themes” and if you have WordPress installed in a sub-folder called wordpress, you would navigate to “public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes”.
- Once you’ve navigated to the Themes folder in cPanel File Manager, click on Upload file(s) and upload that .zip file in packed-download folder.
- Once the .zip file is uploaded, click on the name of that file in cPanel, then in the panel to the right, click on “Extract File Contents”, and that .zip file will be uncompressed.
- Via dashboard you can go to appearance -> themes, and activated theme
Adding New Themes by using cPanel
- Login to your FTP server and find your WordPress theme directory.
- Usually, the location is in “wp-content/themes”
- Copy and paste “Kentooz theme” folder into the directory.
- Login to WordPress admin.
- In “Appearance” menu, click “Themes”
- Click “Activate” link on theme “kentooz theme”
Next Step after activated theme
- Install require plugin (Install all require and recommended plugin)
- Go to Appearance -> Import Demo Data and Click import demo data
- Done.
- If you fail import demo data please import again, twice and more than one import demo will duplicate menu, for delete menu, please go to Appearance -> Menus and delete duplicate menu, you can found in video tutorial how to delete it.
- Default wordpress widget still exist in installation, just delete in Appearance -> Widget and delete default wordpress widget.
- Image not same with demo. Yes, because we use placeholder image in xml, because this image will not use in your article. Just edit post and change with your own image.
Please see video tutorial above for more details. If you need help us about installation, please submit ticket in helpdesk.